Who has the time to chase funds through the  insurance and mortgage maze?

When the Payment Process Bogs Down

To all services

cash4claim utilizes roofing, insurance claim, financial and collection expertise in order to produce, preserve, and realize claim payment.

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cash 4 claim


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Our services

Payment In Under 45 Days

  • 1. Project Complete

    We begin when your project is complete in the field.  

  • 2. Thorough Supplement Review

    After your estimator and field managers have identified known supplements, we review every detail to make certain you are being paid every dollar you have earned.Using Xactimate we revise and support every line item in the estimate. We find we are able to  discover an additional 8-12% in the details!

  • 3. Assertive Communication with Adjusters

    By acting early and often we find that your estimate will make its way to the top of the priority list!

  • 4. Review of Revised and Re Submit

    The revised estimate cannot be accepted without going through another thorough review. We find that 75% of the returns leave out supported line items. For most contractors, this step  is almost impossible to accomplish with tme constraints. 

  • 5. Confirm the RCV and Collect

    By commuicating with your client every step of the way, payment follows naturally. 

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